Monday, January 2, 2017

702 Warriors fall ball & exit of the team

Fall ball ended up being cut short. But started off okay.

 One thing that sucked was the location of our games! so far. We didnt do very well during the games.
A lot of the best teams played in our fall ball. Had the vegas valley one stayed available for our age group, Im sure we would have done differently. Fall ball is hard that games are during week nights, some you have to be there by 4:30pm.

Toward the end of fall ball, we lost our coaches Alex and Jesse. 
I had to beg Xander to play after that. He played a few more games for coach Sonny. 
The game after the coaches were removed. Was probably the worst game I watched. They didnt even try. They were sad ,confused, & a lot of talking in the dugout about why the coaches were gone, made it worse.
Coach Alex came to our next fall ball game. (to watch, and show them he supports them). The boys that needed him, saw him, and they played so much better, knowing that Alex didnt just leave them, (as some of the kids were saying). We won that game that night.

We played one more game after that. But it was the last game. I couldnt force Xander to continue to play, as much as he loved the team, the boys and the other 2 coaches. We had a parent meeting regarding the exit of Alex and Jesse. A couple of the parents didnt care for their coaching style (as that does happen). The coaching style wasnt what the Warriors wanted in the end, so it didnt work out.
I on the other hand love their coaching. Xander excels when he has been coached by them. They push kids to do better. There is always some other kid who wants to play ball, who can take your place. Baseball as an adult, in highschool, isnt fair. Not everyone plays. Xander knows he has to earn his spot of the field. If he isnt trying, someone else will. That is the coaching we want for him. If Alex and Jesse didnt push Xander like they do, I would not want them as coaches. Xander wouldnt want them as coaches either.
This was pretty devastating for me. I love the warriors. I loved the family feeling. I loved that there was no money hungry owner taking from us, more than he should (i.e. Legends). I thought this was going to be the team we stayed with until highschool. Because they asked Alex and Jesse to come on board. They liked what they saw awhile back. I knew the second I was told Alex and Jesse couldnt coach, that this would destroy the team. because more than just Xander loved them.
Coach Randy and Coach Sonny also didnt stay with the team. With the exit of them and more of the boys, the 13u Warriors just chose to dismantle that team. They still have the 12u team.
Xander is still friends with some of the 12u boys, and I still adore them. I think Shari is one of the sweetest ladies, and always wants the best for the kids.

Heres a video of our time with this team

up next: Classic Baseball