Monday, May 16, 2016

Cinco De Mayo 2016

The tournament we were waiting for! Finally a chance to play the Legends! I was so sure we would walk away from this tournament with rings!! I knew how great our boys are, and saw our line up and really we were playing teams that werent that great. However... seems all the teams felt the same. All I cared about beating the Legends. I have played ex teams before (Pumas and Piranhas) but winning to them though nice, wasnt as important. The Pumas and Piranhas I still care deeply for their organizations. The Legends.. as much as I adore ALL those boys and I am still friends with a couple wasnt about them, it was about the owner and maybe a parent or 2. 
Our boys showed up ready to battle:
coaches ready for the win:
 Game started:
Our Coach Joe & Coach Dave

Xander caught the entire game. 
Which was nice, he was able to get up close to the boys as the batted!

Like Keever
and the rest of the boys.  

Jordan from the DBacks also played with them, as a guest player. I got a call the week before from his mom to tell me they would be there.

 Xander loved playing with Jordan, they play video games together a lot.
Chappie pitched a lot of this game. He also played with the Legends boys when we were all piranhas.

In this photo below, Xander was taken out by Jordan! Jordan was running into home from 3rd, and slammed into Xander. Xander knocked out for a short time, but seemed like forever. Mathew (Marios brother ran right out to check on Xander. (The other boys were unable to). Our coaches and coach Dave all checked Xander. He said "if we were playing any other team, I may have taken myself out, but when they asked if I was okay to play, I said yes" . It was the towards the end of the game. and honestly this was the last photo I took. and the last of the game I could watch up close. I went and watched the rest far away, as I could not handle listening to one (Legends) parent's mouth any longer, without exploding. 
We lost that game. Due to our own errors. We handed them that win. (they did play better) Thats okay. We will get our chance again. :) Score: 3-1
After the game Jordan and Robbie came running over to our side and checked on Xander. Jordan said sorry I dont even know how many times throughout that weekend! I was so glad to have Robbie come to talk to me as well. I sure missed that kid!

Game 2 VS Blazers
That started with the sky falling on us! Both teams and parents scrambled to find cover. Some in cars, some in bathrooms, and the rest of us under this cover and the entry area. I was able to chat with those parents and the kids. When it mostly stopped we waited for the field crew to look at the field.. while we waited. The warriors and the blazers started to do this odd thing..I was not sure if they were dancing or shuffling.. or what.. I guess its called the running man challenge. I showed Xander what the running man really was.. but I guess Im old.


Then the team does this ALL around the baseball field!

This made being so cold, so wet and that terrible loss seem like nothing! The blazers were probably my most favorite team to play. (not just because we won, because we did) but because they were such good sports, they played clean, respectful and were such a fun group of boys during the rain delay.
On day 2 I did run into them at BLD and expressed my gratitude to the parents.
So out came the sun (Or rainbow)

Warriors won!
Score: 7-5

Day 2 We headed to Big League Dreams! 
We played the Venom.

We lost to the Venom, 8-6
For entire 3 games, we only lost by 3 runs total the entire weekend! So Id say we did really well. No ring for mothers day, but I spent my mothers day with both my boys, and my sister Ashlee drove out for the weekend as well. I spent time with some of my favorite baseball moms. So it was a good weekend. (even though my boys basically forgot it was mothers day, and I came home to clean and do laundry...)

Here some of the hard working Warriors from this tournament!!

We got 3 new players (2 started this tournament, Bubba and Derek)

No matter the score I love watching the Warriors play. I love every second of watching with great parents, and watching the best group of coaches coach.

dry heat is up next, this month has tournaments every weekend, so your warned ;)

I need to say a side note about our coaches, about all coaches actually. Just because you may have a coach who may or may not have played in the major league(either in the US or Mexico.. depending on the story your coach is telling you). And some didnt make it, or want to make it that far. means nothing. Great major players cant always coach. We have a few dads, and a couple non-dads on our team. They all volunteer their time. they know the game more than many other coaches I have ever met, and the respect the kids have for them all and their knowledge means more than anything. Our coaches coach for the love of baseball, for the love of teaching kids play the game they love. They get paid with thank yous, and wonderful memories.
Always proud of our Warrior boys and our Warrior coaching staff!


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