Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Cinco De Mayo

We were supposed to play the LV Saints in game 1, but they had split up just prior.  We had one of their players set to go with us to Reno in June so he was guest playing with us. Xander liked how he pitched, almost always on spot with the pitch calls, so he was a good addition. I enjoyed his mom as well! 
Xander and Elijah we starting the game, as catcher and pitcher. 
(got to add a side note: as its currently October, I know that classic will be ending in June, and this picture here breaks my heart. I love Elijah, and right now he is one of the boys I have barely seen, and its killing me. Xander and Elijah got really close in Reno).

We lost game 1 
was either 8-4 or 10-7 I cant remember (we played them on day 1 as well)

Game 2 was vs Firebirds

We won game 2: 11-3

Day 2 was vs the Bombers again..

I usually dont post pics of the other players on this unless Xander is in it. but I had to post this one of RJ: This guy rarely shows an aggressive side. he as the sweetest face and personality. Then he does this: showing his fierce side. I love it.

Took another loss.. So the tournament ended here for us..

Here is the rest of the team:

up next: Dry Heat

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