Tuesday, January 16, 2018

SLAM/ Toros

Xander now goes to SLAM academy (SLAM: Sports-Leadership and Management) . The first SLAM was built in Miami--> SLAM Miami PitBull helped start these schools: -->READ<--
Watch this--> PITBULL<-

 I was worried about what number Xander was going to get the the schools club ball team. Xander has #5 for SO long. When the shirts came in, I was super excited to see this:

The schools highschool team logo is:
The club ball team is the Toros.
I didnt know any of his coaches well. I had seen them at a couple games. The only one I knew was Coach Joe. Who some people love as a coach, and some dont care for. His son "Smiley" had guest played for Classic Baseball before. I had few interactions with Joe, he mostly was around the dads.  I had missed the baseball meeting over the summer because we were out of the country. So I only got bits and pieces of how the season would go, from parents.
We had a tournament pretty quickly into the start of the season. I was pretty nervous because they hadnt really practiced as a full team much. I mean most of the boys had already played together, and most were already friends. They all went to the same school so that already bonded them. All these years of club ball, watching bonds form slowly has been a great thing to watch, but really there isnt much more amazing than a team who all go to the same school, a smaller school even, where they had many classes together. Some of the boys were still in 8th grade, the rest 9th graders.
 We had Manny (from our piranha days) who always guest played for Alex and Jesse. Ive always adored Manny he was always very respectful and polite to me, and a great teammate. His parents are awesome too. We had Alex (who guest played for Classic Baseball too), Cesar who obviously was very close to Xander because of the Warriors and then Classic. They have become even closer now. Smiley who guest played with Classic, and has a well deserved name. He has the most amazing smile and is always smiling,, and I love his parents (Alex ^ could also be called Smiley too, he is always smiling). Adam who we have known since the start (Pumas days, then piranhas, and that "one other team"). We had Tyler, who I never met, but is well known for his pitching in Nevada., Zakk I didnt know him, (he is one of the head coaches son), Collin and Nolan, I didnt know them. Then we had Ozzy... he was probably the one kid I wasnt exited for Xander to be on a team with. We had played against his team before when we were on warriors. I hadnt heard good things about him, but Xander always gives everyone chances. They instantly bonded. Xander told me "mom, give him a chance, your going to love him" it took me a couple interactions, then I realized how great Ozzy is. (not just as a player). He is extremely funny, full of energy, and so so nice. He is the opposite of what I thought. I love having him around, and happy that he and Xander are so close. He also shares my birthday! I love his mom as well, she is fun to be at games with!

Our first tournament was the Fall Nationals.........
up next fall nationals

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