Sunday, November 29, 2015

Tackle football 2011

Fall 2011 Xander wanted to try tackle football. Eddie his best friend also signed up. They played for Hillcrest. Hillcrest was our local highschool team, to the little league and the football team took on that name. Football was a little harder for him, he was smaller. He loved it though. They played in the rain and snow. 

Eddie is #27 and Xander is #19 both in the front row

Eddie took to football very naturally, and did well. Xander played with his whole heart, he may had been small, but he was fast! His legs love to run!

Here is a couple videos:

go to my youtube page for more!
Shortly after football, it was time to sign up for little league baseball again! 

2008, 2009, & 2010

This was taken at the age of 4. It was Spring 2008, just months before he was to turn 5. Still playing Tball, due to his age. He played Soccer as well, at this age.

Finally coach pitch I think, Or this was the year they hit off the T, and coach pitch mix, however that was the year Xander refused the T. early 2009. age 5.

This next year, is when he met his best friend, Eddie Gomez. They played together. This was also the year they had to "try-out" and a coach was to pick them.

Here is one video from try-outs:

He was a Redsox again this year.

Here with his team-mates at practice.

 This is Eddie & Xander (above)

Yes, we wore his hat backwards.. 
He was able to catch this year, and he was so excited!! Art had to go out and buy gear for him, because he didnt want to wear the leagues. The gear was so small. He was so cute back there. He was very serious about this position. 

Some of the kids from his team. 
Over these years, he played soccer and flag football!

Here is a video clip from his first year in flag football:

He loves football, and likes soccer. He continued on with football later, playing tackle for a couple years, and recently flag football again. Soccer only last a few years. If he didn't have the ball constantly, he was bored.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

How it started

He was 3 years old. We went to little league sign ups with his brother Austin. Little league in Utah ages from 4 years old and up. With his DOB, he was too young. While Austin was trying out, Xander was playing with other kids. The owners of the league let Xander sign up. He was put on the "redsox" T-ball team, and Austin was placed on the yankees, which made it difficult for me to wear my spirit gear to games on same day (ha ha). Xander loved playing, but he hated T-ball. He wanted to be pitched to. He wanted the players to get out when he got them out! He also always wanted to slide home! Even one time, he ran back to 3rd, because no one moved the T off homeplate.. and once they moved it, he ran in and slid.
He also wanted to catch. He wanted to put on catchers gear and be behind the plate. With Tball, that was not an option for him. Nor could we find gear that would fit him!
He was the smallest on his team, because he was the youngest, but he played very seriously, and we could tell right away, he belonged on the baseball field.
This video was from another year of Tball: