Saturday, November 28, 2015

How it started

He was 3 years old. We went to little league sign ups with his brother Austin. Little league in Utah ages from 4 years old and up. With his DOB, he was too young. While Austin was trying out, Xander was playing with other kids. The owners of the league let Xander sign up. He was put on the "redsox" T-ball team, and Austin was placed on the yankees, which made it difficult for me to wear my spirit gear to games on same day (ha ha). Xander loved playing, but he hated T-ball. He wanted to be pitched to. He wanted the players to get out when he got them out! He also always wanted to slide home! Even one time, he ran back to 3rd, because no one moved the T off homeplate.. and once they moved it, he ran in and slid.
He also wanted to catch. He wanted to put on catchers gear and be behind the plate. With Tball, that was not an option for him. Nor could we find gear that would fit him!
He was the smallest on his team, because he was the youngest, but he played very seriously, and we could tell right away, he belonged on the baseball field.
This video was from another year of Tball:


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