Sunday, November 29, 2015

2008, 2009, & 2010

This was taken at the age of 4. It was Spring 2008, just months before he was to turn 5. Still playing Tball, due to his age. He played Soccer as well, at this age.

Finally coach pitch I think, Or this was the year they hit off the T, and coach pitch mix, however that was the year Xander refused the T. early 2009. age 5.

This next year, is when he met his best friend, Eddie Gomez. They played together. This was also the year they had to "try-out" and a coach was to pick them.

Here is one video from try-outs:

He was a Redsox again this year.

Here with his team-mates at practice.

 This is Eddie & Xander (above)

Yes, we wore his hat backwards.. 
He was able to catch this year, and he was so excited!! Art had to go out and buy gear for him, because he didnt want to wear the leagues. The gear was so small. He was so cute back there. He was very serious about this position. 

Some of the kids from his team. 
Over these years, he played soccer and flag football!

Here is a video clip from his first year in flag football:

He loves football, and likes soccer. He continued on with football later, playing tackle for a couple years, and recently flag football again. Soccer only last a few years. If he didn't have the ball constantly, he was bored.

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