Saturday, December 24, 2016

Fight On

This tournament, Our coaches Jesse & Alex were out of town for family events, and Coach Randy was also out of town. So We had coaches Sonny, and Joe. Everything changed during this tournament. Unfortunately this was our last tournament as a warrior.

Game one:

^ We had Quest playing with us!^

Bleacher Divas made this stickers for the helmets. It was to honor Kaysen #4. This tournament gave money to childrens cancer funds/ charities. So Xander wanted to play for him! He also donated money to his "gofundme" (<-- you can also donate there!) that weekend

We took a loss to the Warhawks (16-3)

We beat the Badgers 4-2


^ I love this^ It still needed work..


This game was crazy! We were tied and had to go into OT. If we lost this game, we were done. If we win, we keep playing. The boys werent doing so hot until the end (thats how they do it, lol) It was stressful for us parents! Xander was "robbed" a homerun. I mean it was close.. but he was out. The umpire actually is a big fan of Xander, and he later said "I wanted to call him safe! but he barely made it!" Xander was pissed. 

Chappie ran in!!
We beat the Badgers 9-8
This picture below cracks me up. We just won. About to do the cheer. Did notice until I saw this picture. What Xander was doing..
He was probably in relief of the win.
I asked him "What were you doing?" He joked and said "I saw a flag"

What a great looking team!

We had a break in between games.

We were set to play the winner of the next game. I watched it. The So Cal Force won that next game.. and they were really good. I knew they was going to be a very hard game. 

Chappie had already left the Warriors. He started going to Slam Academy. and was playing for that schools team. But he guest played with us.

 This game was a rough one!
We lost 13-3... I never seen all the boys take a loss so bad. 

One of the boys (Dre) left the team during this tournament. Some of the boys took that hard. So the ride home with Xander was not a pleasant one. He was upset about the loss, and Dre leaving.
Everything changed after this tournament...
We didnt know this would be the last tournament as 13U Warriors..

Heres a video of all the boys!
(sorry it flips fast, I had a ton of pictures of all the boys..this isnt even all of them)

.....Up next fall ball with the Warriors