Sunday, December 4, 2016

Xan Barksdale Catching Camp in Nashville, TN

So Xander & I headed to Nashville! I had no idea who Xan Barksdale is, but Art did. Im still not 100% sure who he is. I know he played for the Braves. He is a catcher, and catchers coach for the USA team.

Longest flight Ive ever taken. I never traveled past Texas before.

We got there, checked into our hotel, and had free time to explore! I had no idea what to see, but a friend of mine told me about this park, so we headed there first.
The first thing Xander said when we got there, "Whats that smell?" I said "Nature, fresh air".

It was so beautiful there

The buildings, architect was so amazing here!
We took a trip downtown

 AT&T building


They had this street, that was so fun. Old brick buildings on each side, full of bars and restaurants.
There was about to be an NFL game that weekend I think.. Cause alot of football fans dressed up.

We drove into this parking lot. I thought it was a college stadium. There was tons of tailgating going on. Didnt know it was the Tennessee Titans stadium. They played the dolphins that weekend, and won. (pre-season). The city really celebrates large!

Everyone we came in contact with was so happy, and so friendly. 
My favorite building was the AT&T building. I think the Vegas strip needs a replica. 

Then we headed to this highschool. For the first part of the training.
 The school was beautiful! Its a private school. The building looked very old, but very well kept!
Meeting the other kids..
Most were highschool players. From all over the US.

Warming up

I was not able to take any videos. Only photos.
 Xan talked to the kids about what was going to happen this weekend.
He had cameras all around home plate. 
He recorded them, one by one. On their catching, and throwing.

We went inside the schools baseball cages for throwing

Day 2 we went to cages near our hotel

Xan talked about todays events

Warm ups

 working on pop-up time

Ladder drills

Break time:

Gearing up

Now the recording:

Afterwards, Xan showed the kids their videos. They could discuss what they need to improve on, and what they are doing great at.

It was a great experience for Xander.

We were so sad it was over. Xander was so exhausted afterwards. He didnt want to go see any more sites. He wanted to go to the hotel, and lay down.

We (or I) did not want to leave Nashville.
 I want to go back! Id love to live there!!

An amazing experience for Xander!

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