Friday, December 9, 2016

SlugFest Tournament

Pre -game speech

 Coach Alex
 Coach Sonny

^ the injured^ (well not coach Randy), but here to show support!

Somehow around now, Xander got hit in the arm with the ball..

^Coach Alex checking on Xander, seeing if he is able to go back in
And he did
We lost the game..

Day 2
Early morning game at Anthem Park

 ^This tournament, proceeds went to a Breast Cancer Charity. Some of the boys know or knew someone who is fighting or fought Breast Cancer. Xander wore his pink, for my cousin Kristen who he bonded with during a tournament in Orange County.^

 We took a loss against the pirates.

After game talk.

we had a few hours in between games...So Xander and I went to the 12u Warriors game.

^got a chance to see sweet Colin, who is still with the Piranhas, who the 12u played.^
Xander got to hang out with AP (since the team split, he has really missed him)
Back to our 3rd game

and we march in!

 Xander and Manny
I get teased for snapping pics of Manny, but.. He is such a great kid, and great player, and well.. he just needs to be on our team. He should be with his coaches! ;)

 We took a loss to Xtreme. it was a good game, we held Xtreme to only 4 runs. 

Some of our cute fans!
This loss ended the tournament for us.

the Team

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