Sunday, July 3, 2016

Memorial Day Bash

The boys combined again for this one.

Most of our coaches and Team mom :

One of my most favorite things that Alex has the kids do, is this walk. He had us do it with the Piranhas, and I just love it. Its intimidating, and everyone stares. I hope it continues!!

Our first game was vs a team from Hawaii.

This is our coach Sonny^^

The Hawaiian team all brought leis for the boys

Day 2:

Xander enjoys catching for "Arod" (Alex)  too

I was able to go visit a couple of my other favorite parents that were on the piranhas with us. 
Jordon (Showtime!)
He plays with the AAA/Majors team the Dbacks now. 
He and Xander are still close, maybe closer now, actually.

I honestly cant remember how we did in this tournament, seems it was so long ago. We didnt make it to the 3rd day. Thats about all I remember. 
See #23 ? ^^ Thats Jose, he and Adan from the piranhas came on. They will be with the 12U team.

heres some videos:
 Video of all the boys:

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