Saturday, July 30, 2016

Silver State Bash

This tournament the teams were split (for the most part all the rest of the tournaments will be besides upcoming Park City)

We lost the first game..
Arts mom came out with our nephews and Arts cousin for a couple days so, they were here for this day.

Game 2 I wasnt there for, I took a quick trip to California for my uncles birthday. Luckily Art took a couple pictures of the very end.
Because we won 13-3!! 

Day 2:
Both the 11u and 12u played at the same time, at fields right next to each other.

So the coaches gathered up both teams together, for the pre-game pep talk!!
Pretty great moment!

 Both teams in a Warrior Cheer!

When the 11u game was over, they came over, and watched the rest of our game.

 Game 4:

 We lost game 4, so we didnt continue on.

The 11u team won both game day 1 in the pool play.

We won 2, and lost 2.
Was great to have Art home to help cheer them on!

Up next: Triple Crown World Series/ Park City

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