Sunday, October 16, 2016

Triple Crown World Series Park City Part 1

In July some of the Warrior team took a week and headed to Park city Utah. Alex and Jesse were unable to go, due to work. Xander was pretty sad about it, even first saying he would skip this tournament. He was encouraged to go anyways.(and he did not regret it!) We roomed with Anthony and his mom. Our room & hotel was amazing!!

 Our View!

Lucas also stayed in the same hotel.

We went to opening "Ceremonies" the Pin trading, and parade.

The team was 5 of the "GOLD" team, 3 of "MAROON" and 3 guest players.
Was a wonderful bonding experience for all the boys and families. A majority of the families spent their down time together as well, during the week.



The Pin trading event/ and parade was a bit of a disaster. The younger teams running around were very childish and rude. Some of the teams in the parade treated it like a joke. I was very proud of how the Warriors behaved. They represented Las Vegas well. They were well behaved, respectful, and were proud to be apart of the event.
On our non game time, we explored the city. We BBQ'd and went swimming.

Anthony & Xander got a lot of quality time in!

Anthony & Xander wanted to go on the ski lifts.....

We shopped, ate great food, caught our kitchen on fire.....(LOL), explored, vegged out in the room, and had a great time during the games, but especially during the down time!

Stay tuned for park 2 of this post!

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