Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Time to move on

After coming back from the Dominican, as hard as it was for me, it was time for Xander to move on to the next phase of his life. HIGHSCHOOL........... He was excepted into SLAM which I am so thankful for, because the thought of Xander being apart of CCSD was just something I wasnt happy about. Underpaif teachers, over crammed classes, failing test scores, sadly one of the worst school districts, they make cuts all the time, which only effects the teachers and students, while the guys who runs CCSD was living the good live financially.
I am also excited fot Xander to be apart of the Toros/Bulls.
They had try-outs for SLAM/Toros. Xander was there, as well as Cesar. Adam came with Aiden. I hadnt realized that Aiden was going to SLAM. I wasnt sure I was ready to deal with his parents. I did see his mom, Kim. But did not speak to her. It was funny to see Alex and Jesse with clip boards, and looking very professional. It was good to see them again.
A guy name Chris Stevers, he was the Toros head coach, came over to speak to Xander, Cesar and Adam. Told them they were picked to be on the 14u team. Of course they did not have to think about it, and said yes they wanted to join! I was so happy :) I didnt know what number Xander was going to get. We filled out a form, which had 3 slots for your top 3 numbers. obviously #5 was top of the list. I just had to sit and wait until he got his jerseys!

During the summer, Xander did a lot of practices with CBA, He and Art decided to go back to where Xander started(PUMAS), we knew this day would come, as we love Jay Matos and know that this will help develop Xander skills, and help get him to his next step.
 We drove across town to practice every Sunday. They were mostly 16 year olds. Many times I was the only parent there. It was good for Xander to practice with these older players. His coach instantly took to Xander.

Most of those boys hustled. No goofing off. 
The drive was just too much for me. So Jay moved Xander over to the Henderson area. We went to a few practices, and I have to say, I just wasnt sure this was a good move. I wasnt sure who his coach would be, and there was just so many younger kids, who just werent out there taking it seriously. Xander would stay for the next practice, which was also another 16u team, and he would practice with them. They were all very good players. They were out there to work. 
Xander is at that weird age, that there is no "15U" teams. its 14u, which is partly 14, and part 13. Xander usually was one of the few who just wanted to go to practice, and put serious work in, then go. Younger kids werent as serious (though there were a couple, and Xander instantly bonded with them). The 16U teams were much older, while Xander really loved being with them, he couldnt  play with them. Then we had a scrimmage game.. or it was some sort of tournament. That this guy (coach) Chris made up"arranged". It was a confusing mess of a tournament to me
We went, the field was far, 2 very long days there. 

One game we had a coach. Then the next game we had a different coach. The games were pretty terrible, But Xander did get to pitch, and he played short stop! So he liked that. He developed friendships with a couple of the boys. One of the boys (he was 13u age) was going to SLAM too. And was going to be on Alex and Jesse's team.
After the tournament there was a meeting for all the parents, at the batting cages. There we were informed on how CBA was going to work, and the coaching staff. I was happy after that meeting, knowing that the confusion in the summer was just because it was summer.
Xander was going to be with Marc McClain. He has been apart of the Puma/CBA for awhile. Xander really likes him. We were also happy that Ashton was also joining! Having him on his team and his family apart of it made me feel more at home. His CBA team has been helping him develop his skills in other positions. Coach Marc has help build a lot of confidence in Xander. Xander has only really been a "catcher" and an "outfielder" in most previous teams. He has done some in fielding here and there. But not until recently has been mainly only played infield. CBA has helped develop those skills.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

USA team

I have started a blog for the time we spent in the Dominican Republic. This trip was amazing. Xander won his first club/travel ball first: 1st place. His USA team won gold metals. however what I loved even more about that trip was watching Xander give baseball gear away. We saw some of the worst living conditions, in person, but the most beautiful beach and ocean
We also played kids who love baseball more than anyone I know. Who play baseball to get out and play MLB (and they are the ones who make it!) only to give their families better homes, food, a better life. These kids were GOOD at playing ball. I also met some of the most welcoming people. I complained about eating (or not eating) but I would do it all again if I had the chance.
Our USA team was made up of some amazing players from all over. They had amazing families there supporting them. The boys created great friendships. Id sure love to have a "reunion team" come together and play one tournament here in the states.
Heres the blog: How it started

The entire blog is still being completed but here it is: That time we went to the Dominican to support Xander

"We're in the DOME!!"

up next..Slam/Toros Baseball & CBA

Friday, November 17, 2017

The end of Classic Baseball

One of our first cheers:
 and to our last cheer:

I have dreaded this post.. The day we started this team, I knew this time would come. When some of our boys head off to highschool, and we all would not be together. I thought "Classic Baseball" would live on, that Alex and Jesse would just get new kids (maybe younger) and continue it. But.. that didnt happen, they went on to highschool club-ball. (which I didnt know when this ended).
When we returned from Reno, it seemed right away everything changed. The kids kind of scattered to different things. I had never been so attached to a baseball family as I was with this one. People may tease me for this, but I became sort of depressed for a bit.  I have no real family here in Vegas, and very few real friends. So Baseball was my life. The reason I jumped out of bed super early on the weekends. At this time, I knew Xander was going to SLAM. He would be playing baseball with a lot of friends, and parents I knew and loved, so it did help me. I thought Casey, Anthony and Cesar were also going. Casey eneded up going to Libertys feeder team, and Anthony started football (at SLAM). I found out while we were in the Domincan Republic that Alex and Jesse were going to be coaches at Slam. (for the 13 u team). This also made me happy. Though they wouldnt be coaching Xander directly, they would still be a part of the "team".
We (Xander, myself and with Emmilys help..<Anthonys sister>) Had created a video of pictures and videos to share with the team. (I will post at the end).
 Coach Sonny was hosting a 4th of July party, all the team and coaches were to come, I had created little gifts for the boys. and the boys and some of the parents also had plaques made for the coaches to thank them!

I made this for the boys, and framed it:

My heart is here:

Okay, so this is alittle over 30 minutes long.. I promise its worth watching!

While Xander loves all 4 of the coaches, he had been with Alex and Jesse for a few years, so leaving the team was a big adjustment. (maybe more for me..but it was hard on him too)
He (with my help.. he picked out the quote, I arranged the pictures) made these for them:

Xander was with them from this:
 to this:

 (and that very short time he played on that one team, he still considered Alex his coach, those home-runs Xander made with the Legends had nothing to do with the Legends coaching, it was Alex's coaching)

and Classic:

Beginning of Classic:

End of Classic:
See more videos of the team, from fun times in Reno, Alex's babyshower fun, crazy time between games, and time outside of baseball, here -> YOUTUBE<---

and thats a wrap on Classic...