Friday, November 17, 2017

The end of Classic Baseball

One of our first cheers:
 and to our last cheer:

I have dreaded this post.. The day we started this team, I knew this time would come. When some of our boys head off to highschool, and we all would not be together. I thought "Classic Baseball" would live on, that Alex and Jesse would just get new kids (maybe younger) and continue it. But.. that didnt happen, they went on to highschool club-ball. (which I didnt know when this ended).
When we returned from Reno, it seemed right away everything changed. The kids kind of scattered to different things. I had never been so attached to a baseball family as I was with this one. People may tease me for this, but I became sort of depressed for a bit.  I have no real family here in Vegas, and very few real friends. So Baseball was my life. The reason I jumped out of bed super early on the weekends. At this time, I knew Xander was going to SLAM. He would be playing baseball with a lot of friends, and parents I knew and loved, so it did help me. I thought Casey, Anthony and Cesar were also going. Casey eneded up going to Libertys feeder team, and Anthony started football (at SLAM). I found out while we were in the Domincan Republic that Alex and Jesse were going to be coaches at Slam. (for the 13 u team). This also made me happy. Though they wouldnt be coaching Xander directly, they would still be a part of the "team".
We (Xander, myself and with Emmilys help..<Anthonys sister>) Had created a video of pictures and videos to share with the team. (I will post at the end).
 Coach Sonny was hosting a 4th of July party, all the team and coaches were to come, I had created little gifts for the boys. and the boys and some of the parents also had plaques made for the coaches to thank them!

I made this for the boys, and framed it:

My heart is here:

Okay, so this is alittle over 30 minutes long.. I promise its worth watching!

While Xander loves all 4 of the coaches, he had been with Alex and Jesse for a few years, so leaving the team was a big adjustment. (maybe more for me..but it was hard on him too)
He (with my help.. he picked out the quote, I arranged the pictures) made these for them:

Xander was with them from this:
 to this:

 (and that very short time he played on that one team, he still considered Alex his coach, those home-runs Xander made with the Legends had nothing to do with the Legends coaching, it was Alex's coaching)

and Classic:

Beginning of Classic:

End of Classic:
See more videos of the team, from fun times in Reno, Alex's babyshower fun, crazy time between games, and time outside of baseball, here -> YOUTUBE<---

and thats a wrap on Classic...


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