Sunday, December 27, 2015

Silverado All Stars 2014

Xander made the All Stars team for Silverado in 2014. Along with Adam, and Quest who at the time were just team mates. Right now Quest is Xanders closest friend. Adam has been on every travel ball team Xander has been on. Adam is an amazing pitcher, and Xander catches for him so well. They make an amazing team together. Right now all 3 of them are currently on the same travelball team (12/27/15)

Adam on the bottom left. Quest is in the back right. Xander front 5th kid. 

Xander enjoyed All Stars. It goes by so fast. I dont remember how the team did. I know the Silverado West did a bit better, but our boys held their own and I was proud how Xander played.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Dry Heat Showdown 2014

This was our first experience in club ball. I really have no idea how  my husband even found out about this. He was looking on websites I suppose. I had no idea about club ball. I only knew of little league. He took Xander to a few practices with a team called LVBA Lightning (Las Vegas Baseball Academy). They let Xander be a guest player with this tournament.
The uniforms, the fields, the intensity of the games were so much more than I ever experienced. I enjoyed it! We really enjoyed playing at Big League Dreams. Though Xander being a catcher, he does not like catching there as much.

The rules of club ball are a bit different than little league, so going from little league to this, then this back to All Stars could be hard, but he did great!!
We did not chose to sign up with LVBA, due to a few reasons, one being he was about to start All Stars.

Silverado Little League 2014

In the spring of 2014, we signed Xander up with Silverado little league. We moved just before Christmas to another house, so that put us into another league zone. I personally like Silverado little league much better than Paseo Verde. The fields are better, and there are other reasons..
Xander tried out and was on the Braves.

Art was home for this as well, so he was an assistant coach. 

He hit so well this season, he caught so well this season, he really shined!!

His team was the number 1 team the Silverado east Minors!

Here's some videos:

He was chosen for Allstars this season!

This year he also played a tournament "Dry Heat" for a travel ball team (LVBA) He was a guest player. This was our first taste of the travel ball world. Post up next!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

NYS Winter Baseball 2013-2014

December 2013 was sign ups to NYS winter sports. Xander wanted to play baseball again. He was assigned to Coach Garys team, they named it the Vipers. Games started early 2014.

Art was home at this time, so he was able to be one of the coaches.

Our team:

Xander shined this season! 

He caught most of the time. Having his dad to help him, was great. Though Art was very hard on him, and pushed him to be better, Xander may have not liked that all of the time, but is was good for him! Art knows catching, so Xander was able to learn a lot! Previous coaches didnt know much about catching, so Xander didnt learn new things.

He always got some pitching in!

 He hit great!

Xander had a great time with this team! They were the top baseball team for NYS this season, at this age group!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Paseo Verde Little League 2013

In the spring of 2013 Xander signed up for little league again. We lived in the Seven Hills area of Henderson, NV (Las Vegas). So we were in the Paseo Verde Little League. He was picked to be on the San Diego Padres team.
Little league in Vegas is defiantly different than Utah. One its political, its also very serious. Baseball in Vegas is an entirely new world.

Xander went from the All Star player, to the kid no one knew. Just this new boy that moved to town.
He got to play different positions, a lot outfield

& 3rd base

 But he still caught!

He had fun, and was sad when it was over. Made a few new friends.

Heres a few video clips!:

see more at ""