Sunday, December 20, 2015

NYS Winter Baseball 2013-2014

December 2013 was sign ups to NYS winter sports. Xander wanted to play baseball again. He was assigned to Coach Garys team, they named it the Vipers. Games started early 2014.

Art was home at this time, so he was able to be one of the coaches.

Our team:

Xander shined this season! 

He caught most of the time. Having his dad to help him, was great. Though Art was very hard on him, and pushed him to be better, Xander may have not liked that all of the time, but is was good for him! Art knows catching, so Xander was able to learn a lot! Previous coaches didnt know much about catching, so Xander didnt learn new things.

He always got some pitching in!

 He hit great!

Xander had a great time with this team! They were the top baseball team for NYS this season, at this age group!

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