Monday, May 15, 2017

Avalanche Grand Slam

This was our first tournament as Classic Baseball. Not only our first tournament, but out first actual games. We were practicing 3 days a week, probably the longest most of these boys went without playing a game. They were anxious to get out there, and so were the coaches and parents!
Of course our first game was against SN Navy, which at the time was one of the hardest teams to beat.

 It was a cold morning

Right off the bat, we let SN Navy score 9 runs in the first inning. All I could think was.. these poor boys have been working so hard for so long, and I know they can play better than this! I dont remember how long the first inning was, but it was LONG.

Then.. everything changed.

And these boys fought back,
and beat SN Navy 11-9
Defiantly not what SN Navy was expecting.
The boys took that win with such class. Though they were so happy on the inside, they quietly took the win with a quiet smile.
Us parents on the other hand (mostly Art) were super excited! We were tired of seeing great ball players take losses, so we couldnt help but be excited!

We had a break in between games..

Game 2

I dont remember details of this game.  

But we won 12-6
Inside the "restaurant" area we heard people asking "Who is Classic Baseball?" A team no one heard of, came out of nowhere, and played really well. Full heart, dedication and with class.

we seeded #2, we drew the California team again.

The California boys came out ready to fight back.

Pay special attention to this photo below. You will see this image, in every game, every tournament.. Because for some reason, Xander is unable to keep his shoes tied. And for the rest of his time playing baseball, I will continue to take this picture.. and maybe one day, he will learn to tie his cleats.. tight.

The Cali team fought hard, but we won with a score of  9-5

Then we wait.. and watch other teams play until we find out who we play next.

Game 4 The CHAMPIONSHIP game!!

SN Navy again..

It started to get cold again..

SN wasnt coming to this game without a fight!

They (SN) won the game.. 6-2.
We took 2nd place. Xander was devastated. I was still so proud of them! First tournament, seeded 2nd, played hard teams, & went to the championship game! 

 They still got an awesome ring!
And a cool banner.

Here is a video of the entire tournament with all the boys!

Up next MLK tournament

Videos of Xander

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