Monday, February 29, 2016


 The NYS Winter season is over. Our team was undefeated! Xander played with such a great group of boys! Some he knew from the first baseball NYS season, some he just met. 

We finished our last game with a HUGE win. Then headed to the park, for a pizza picnic party. The boys still full of energy, they played a game a football!

 Then time to hand our their metals.

 Our coaches:

These 3 have been the same coaches each year! They really do an amazing job! They have made this team, the top NYS team each winter!

the players:


Missing photo: the other Catcher (he left early this day). He wasnt at all the games, I think he came late into the season. He was great behind the plate! Xander enjoyed having someone else back there so he was able to play other positions sometimes!

Our Team:

 Last Cheer!

Thank you Gary! We really cant express our gratitude enough. You have been supporting Xander since the day you met him, in 2013. You have showing up to his little league games, his club ball games, and fundraiser events. Your coaching skills are amazing! You manage to take a group of boys who just met, and get them to play together like they have been playing together for ever. They come out, have fun and win (every game).
- Art & Amie Hernandez

Sunday, February 28, 2016

NYS Winter Baseball Season: The VIPERS

 Coach Gary has been coaching this baseball team every year. His kids have a love for soccer, infact playing club-soccer. Once a year he gets his kids to play baseball, and they are good at it! By chance our first year we were placed on his team. After that we picked to play under him. He has had mostly all the same kids every year!   
This year Xander was playing clubbaseball, and usually we cant mix the 2. Gary requested Xander to play this year, knowing he would miss a lot of practices and maybe games. The entire season he went to 2 practices, and only missed one game, (as club-ball always comes first)

Coach Gary is an amazing coach, he believes in Xander, and allows him to try new things on the fields, batting, pitching and positions. Xander respects him, and his knowledge of baseball. 
Though NYS is not supposed to be "competitive", and is designed for kids who dont usually play baseball, to learn. However recently a lot of club ball kids (and teams) have been joining and playing. For Xander, of course he wants to win every game, but there is no pressure here. He comes, because he loves baseball, and his is able to just have fun!

 This is Corday (forgive me if I miss-spelled it). He is also a club-ball player.
He plays for the "Halos" right now.

 ^ This was taken by the NYS photographer, he shows up to random game and watches, and snaps a few pictures^

This is what happened most of the season.. He was walked.

He was able to pitch a lot this season as well.

He played short stop
 and he played 2nd

This video, cracks me up. He and the other teams catcher were talking a bit of "smack" to eachother throughout the game. Xander just drove him crazy at this time. He was stealing 3rd, and covered his face. The catcher yelled, "I see you!" and put his fingers to his eyes, and then pointing at Xander. So Xander waved his hands over his face.. the catcher yelling "I STILL SEE YOU!!" Xander still stole 3rd.

The catcher was mad at Xander, and didnt shake his hand after. Xander said "I guess he didnt see me"

some team time:

Some at bats:

Here is just a few of our after game picture:

^this pic, you can see the other teams coaches, chose not to shake hands, cant handle a loss I guess^

This yellow team was actually a club ball team (most of them were, and the coaches were club ball coaches)
Our last game was like 18-1. We creamed the other team, I felt bad for those other boys.

 This one below, is my most favorite picture. The pure joy in that smile. Sometimes I feel like club ball becomes such a headache. There is so much too deal with. So much pressure on him. & Sometimes I hate it, because of this issues it brings. (but most of the time, I do love it). Though for his skill level, and what he wants, club-ball is where he needs to be. I know how much he loves it. He loves baseball, and his is really great at it. 

& Catching smiles like this, makes it all worth it!
This is a smile of a kid who has nothing to think about, but enjoying the game he loves!!
Heres the team picture:
dont mind Garys, and Garys dads shirts.. obviously dont have the best taste in baseball teams ;)
ha ha, we are Angels fans (Though Cubs did amazing this past season!)
 I always hate his NYS pictures.. Making him raise his hat all the time...
 Worth the great memories though!

Up next, NYS end of season pizza picnic party, and metal hand outs
(more pictures of the team)