Sunday, February 21, 2016

Goodbye Legends

Xander is no longer with the Legends. 

He got to play ball with his friends for awhile. Had some fun. I will miss the kids and some of the parents deeply.  He will miss his team-mates as well. He knows he has friends with will last a lifetime from this group of boys.
Here is a video from his time with the team:

Already some offers on the table. We will see what happens next. I'll keep you posted! 
Right now he is in Arizona with Art having a blast with Baseball Youth Magazine showcase! 
(that post will be up soon)

He at least gets to finish out the last NYS game with that team.

The exit from this team was anything but positive...
I will not go into details, as this blog is only for positive memories. But I do regret joining this team, BIG mistake.
Really the only good that came from Xander playing on this team, was playing with friends for a short time. 

On to the next chapter for him.