Monday, February 1, 2016

Winter Blast 2015

 Warm ups

batter up

So Saturday we did okay. We didnt win, but all the boys hustled and played hard. Sundays games were not out until later that night. I stayed up waiting. and..... then......
Legends vs Piranhas. 
I was sick to my stomach. The Piranhas had been playing AAA but after losing some more players they played AA this one. The boys were excited to play Piranhas. I knew we werent ready for them. I wanted these boys to get a win. 

Coaches Dave and Coach Jesse

 Super excited to see Chappie pitch again! Even if it was against us..

 Juan and Xander (below)

 The Piranhas won this game. I expected it. The boys really wanted their first win to be playing the piranhas. Maybe we will win them another time!

Catching up with Chappie. 
 and Juan!
Xander spent some time after the games with Alex. He got some lecturing. & some praise. 

I loved watching the Legends come together during this tournament. Playing the piranha was fun for them even if they did not win, & and I know how bad they wanted it. Xander just wanted to hit a home run when playing them.

 Up next Legends Christmas Party!

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