Sunday, January 31, 2016

SU Fall Holiday Tournament 2015

The Legends first out of state tournament. I love going to Utah (for baseball) we had a lot of fun doing it with the Piranhas. I really had no expectations that we would be winning all the games..when we went. I just hoped we would hold our own, and maybe win a couple... There was a lot of good teams going. A lot from Vegas.  
We stayed at our usual hotel, that we always enjoy. We took Quest up with us.(he actually broke his arm right after he was unable to play, but came to show support!) 

 Game one, Xander was pitching! ugh. I always get worried when he is there. He does good, and I know the coaches put trust in him there, its just very nerve-racking.

Our evenings were entertaining! The boys took over the hotel!

Early morning, Xander woke up and said "Im going to hit an out of the park home run today"
The day/night before Dalton had just done it. Xander was determined to be the next!

 These best friends crack me up! This is how they wake up!?

We headed for breakfast , the boys had some time at the hotel before our game. The Pumas (one of the teams) were staying at the same hotel. So the Vegas boys took over the game rooms!

and off we went to day 2!!

 Then he went up to bat...

  & His first pitch, his first swing.....


He said it and he did it! Im so glad Art was home to see it!! We got that ball!

I took this right after! Quest was so happy for him!
we did not win, any games.pretty sad as we should do better in Utah. 

 Really to me it did not matter. Xander played amazing, and of course got the out of the park home run! So he left a winner!

We all went out to eat as a team! We took over the pizza factory. we actually has terrible service, fyi. The pizza was also not good..
 but outside there was this:
 so of course I took pictures!
Here is Quest, Xander, Mario and Mathew
here at dinner. from left front and around is:
Gus, Adam, Robbie, Matthew, Jack, Gabe, Dalton, Quest, Xander, Keever, Mario and Conner.
(as you can see, Quest and Xander feel the need to point in all pictures.. its a "thing" they did. That has past though.
we drove home (with Adam) We may not have won, but the boys got were about to play as a team without the other kids from fall ball. They had a blast while doing it.
I think it was a rewarding weekend!

bonus: met up with our "adopted Utah family" in Mesquite!

This picture was shared and liked all over the internet. Awesome!

Here is his home run, in a video I made!!:

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