Sunday, January 3, 2016

Las Vegas Pumas

The summer 2014 Art and Xander had gone to some tryouts for this team called the Pumas. I hadnt gone with them to any of these. Art and Xander both really liked Jay Matos who runs the Pumas. Everything the Pumas stood for, the kids must hold good grades, show  respect for parents, teachers, and coaches. The Pumas do a lot of community work as well. Jay was in the process of creating an 11U team, at that time there wasnt one. At that time I think there was one team per age group (if that). They were still working on growing the organization. 
Art had brought Adam with his dad (from Silverado little league) to try-outs as well, knowing that Adam is an great pitcher, this would be great step for him as well. 
I remember when we found out Xander made the team, I actually got this email on July 27th, 2014: 
"We are pleased to announce that if you're receiving this e-mail your son has made the team!
Welcome to the PUMAS!!!"  
We were so excited. Clubball is only for kids who have great skill, its not like NYS, or little league, where everyone gets a spot. (or at least thats not how it was at this time).
Adam made the team as well!
Clubball, parents put a lot of money and time in, for experienced coaches, lessons, tournaments, and exposure for their child to develop their skills. 
Xanders love is baseball, he has played every sport, and always comes back to baseball. So we felt this was the right next step.

Xander got to pick his number for his team, and unlike little league (when he was way younger,going by his age) He now knows a lot more about baseball and baseball players. Even though the Angels are his favorite team, and with Allstars he picked #27 for Mike Trout. For clubball he has been #5 for the former Cincinnati Reds player Johnny Bench. Who is what he says the best all time catcher.

All the Puma gear was fun to (for him and for me). The pic below is one of the newer hats he got. 

Our team was set, and we quickly started to have field practices and cage practice. I liked that the field practices were usually in Henderson. The Cages were at a place called the Dugout. 
Xander knew a few kids from former little league teams and All Stars. All the boys quickly bonded.

This picture is of Xander, Adam, and Robbie. Robbie was the other catcher on the team, Xander got very close to. They are wearing the first set of uniforms we got.
We played many tournaments, and fall league ball with the Pumas.


Below is Xander catching for one of his favorite pitchers with the Pumas, Corbin.

Xander leading a cheer, as he did often. This was at one of the tournaments.

Always more videos on my youtube page--> YOUTUBE<--

If you want to know more about the Pumas, who are now the CBA Pumas click -->HERE<--
(The Pumas have grown so much from when we had joined. We still have a great deal of respect for Jay. The day I am posting this (Jan 3rd) we are not with the Pumas, but it had nothing to do with Jay and what the Pumas stand for. They have done great things for their players, & families)

-Up next OctoberSlugFest

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