Thursday, January 21, 2016

Piranhas Wood Bat Finale

Preparing for this one, all the boys needed wood bats, and a lot of cage practice hitting with them.

Wood bats are sensitive...

Both days were at BLD! Art was home for this one!!

This picture below has to be one of my favorites of Xander and his coach.

Great bunt!!

 Below: Xander talking with Mario, who was pitching. Xander is very good at reading his pitchers. If they start getting frustrated, or not throwing like they usually do. He will go out there and tell a joke or calm them.

In between games, we made sure the boys all ate together. They loved to anyways! 

We won, so we moved on to the championship

and when the boys walked from the warm up area, to the dugout.. they walked in a straight line, not smiling (well trying not to). They walked serious, and ready for battle. It was one of our (the parents) favorite things ever.
We on 2nd place

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