Thursday, January 28, 2016

Legends Fundraiser Car Wash

As I said in the last post, our team is going to Cooperstown!

We had such a great turn out for this event! The boys worked very hard as well!

We BBQ'd, and had fun stuff to sell as well!

We sent the boys out with signs on pairs to get the cars.

 of course the parents helped as well:


 Even siblings (Austin put in hard work as well)

 As you can see, the line of cars was pretty constant!
People also drive by, handed them money, and didnt even get their car washed!

 *the goofy side*
 *the serious side*
 they had a blast, we all did. We raised a lot of money.
I really loved this day. I loved being with the parents of course. Mostly I loved watching these boys work hard for their trip! Also having fun with each other doing so!

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