Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Las Vegas Legends

Our first meeting with this team, we met in Henderson. We met Manny Abeyta.
We joined the Legends during their fall ball time. The Legends were made up of former Saints. The plan was to create a 2nd Legends team for Henderson. As they had a summerlin one already. Im at this park, and one by one I see some of my favorite parents showing up! Most of the boys had stopped playing baseball. The parents were there just hoping the boys would want to play again.
The lady, Tonya, a great friend of mine, her son was on the Pumas with Xander. He was the catcher as well. She was helping to start this. Their vision was to create a team full of boys who were good friends who played club ball together. The parents met, and the boys, they went and hung out. They played baseball. I just loved watching these boys together again. When I saw AK's parents show up, I was almost in tears, because when they left the piranhas I was devastated. I cried. AK wasnt totally sold on playing ball again at this point. He sure loved being with his old team mates and friends.

 As I said in my last post, my first practice. I was not very impressed. We had a bunch of kids, some I did not know. A lot of kids playing around, not listening to Coach Dave. Not giving him the respect that players should give the coach. Then I look, and see some of our boys, most of them pretty serious. (I say our boys, I mean our current Legends). I saw one mom go up and ask coach Dave if he wanted to end practice early, because her son was tired, cause he stayed up too late. My mouth dropped. Of course he said no. What kind of mom asks the coach that?! We were just used to a different type of practice.
A lot of those kids left the team, some quickly, and some during fall ball. Now the team was made up of mostly ex-piranhas, and a few ex-saints/legends.

Now fall ball.. We all entered in an already established team. We came in a few games to play. I felt bad that we were starting. I have to say, my most favorite 1st moment: watching AK hit that ball for the first time.. and then watching him steal EVERY base within moments. You can not even blink, or you will miss it.
The fall games we lost.. all of them. definitely not what we just left, with the Piranhas..But I knew these boys, These boys are championship winning boys. So it was just going to be a matter of time, when they did that again, right?!

One of my favorite things was watching these 2 again:

Adam & Xander 
The dynamic they have on the field is so wonderful to watch!

 We also got Xanders best friend Quest to join the team. This has been the biggest bonus for Xander!
Quest guest played with the Piranhas, and they played little league together.

As you see Xander was playing Short Stop here (above).  He actually did well. He loved it. Of course his heart belongs behind the plate, but he does love playing new positions.

His hitting was on. 

One game I was late for.. and that goodness I got there when I did, because he was up to bat and I saw this:

I was so proud of him!

His work with Coach Alex really paid off!

Fall ball ended. The summerlin team had loss a few members I think at this time. I was just so excited to start practicing on our side of town, with our boys, and get ready to play tournaments! We were slowing working on getting another player (Little Mario). He was a tough one, as he really did not want to play baseball again. It took awhile, but we got him!

Up Next: Legends Fundraiser Car Wash

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