Sunday, January 24, 2016

Piranhas: highlight videos, and Xanders goodbye..

I want to start off this post with some videos from fall ball. Of his hitting, what Coach Alex, and Xanders hard work & dedication did for him!

This team, when we joined gave me a real feel what Club ball was supposed to be like. With the Pumas (or at least the team we were on) Some of the parents were close, others not. It was more "clicky".  Same for the kids. We didnt get to travel, or at least not while we were on the team (they went to AZ after we left). 
The Piranhas, it was awesome. A bunch of amazing parents who all got along, Boys who were real friends and had each others back. I loved traveling with this team, Having drinks with a couple parents. Staying in the same hotels, going out to eat together. It was the best time. We had the best coaches ever. We had owners who took the boys in as their own, and did fun things with them. Thats how it was for the longest time.
Towards the end, kids left, new kids came. Each time a parent left it got harder and harder for me. This was my family. I cried every time. The boys took it hard as well, but were also so excepting and great with each new kid that came.
Xander and I had gone to the little league world series (well the start of the play-offs) While we were there, Xander was approached by other coaches, from teams we had played. Complimenting him, a few offering him a spot of their team. Xander was loyal to the Piranhas. He wanted to stay. Art and I really loved the coaching he was getting, and despite what people may have thought, we didnt want him to leave that either.
Towards the end of our time, The Piranhas merged with another team, as teams do. The dynamic between the boys shifted. The duggout wasnt a place where the kids built eachother up anymore. A couple still did, but it did seem to become more of battle of who was better. I'm sure it was because these kids were not as bonded anymore, and did not know the "piranha way". (Im sure they do now).
With the expansion of the team, and them splitting them up, to AA and AAA. We really werent sure where Alex would be. Xander doesnt care about how many "As" he had, he just wanted to be with Alex, he knew his development was the most important.
A friend on mine, was splitting from her team, and working with this man named Manny, to create a new team, I knew who was on the roster, as did Xander. He was pretty torn. He stuck it out with the Piranhas though, for awhile.
The night Xander left this team. was the hardest for him. The day before he thought he might. Art really pushed for him to stay. (I stay out of it, as baseball is really their thing).I had gotten cards for the owners and coaches, leaving them in the car, thinking he would change his mind after this last practice. But I could see it in his face all night. He handed out the cards, and when he said goodbye to them, and especially Alex, He was devastated. He cried the entire ride home. Alex & Jesse were the the best thing for him. He knew it. (We knew it). 
He had chosen to go the new team. Which was made up most of his friends, and the piranhas that were already gone. (minus Little Mario, and Jordan at that time).
I know some days, when he see's the piranhas, it still hurts him, because he misses what that team was. The team he joined. He still thinks Alex walks on water, and will talk to him every time he see's him. He still runs over to talk to the boys he was so close to..(Juan, Trevin, Collin, Katson, and also Jose.)
I will forever compare everyones coaching to Alex and Jesse's. I will compare all club ball teams to the piranhas (how it was). Every out of town tournament, every practice, every lesson. All players should be how these boys were.
This right here, these boys are what makes club ball, so amazing. This is what I fell in love with.
A group of boys who LOVE baseball, who want to get better, who love and respect their coaches, and team mates. Who wear that jersey, very proud. Supportive families and organization that will do all they can for these boys. Thats what we loved! Thats Club ball. Thats why we joined this team.

So this exit was hard for us all, and our first practice with the Legends, I said, "oh my gosh, what did we do. I wanted to run back to the piranhas". 

Video of Xander's time with the Piranhas:

This post was very hard to write. I cried as I typed. Hard enough that it has taken all day to finish it.

There are things I wish we had from the piranhas. Things and people I will always miss. I know Xander feels the same.

This post was a post typed by me, with Xanders input. Then read, and approved by Xander.

up next: Las Vegas Legends!

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