Monday, January 18, 2016

Las Vegas Piranhas

In January or February 2015 we had gone to watch Xander's friend Adam play in a tournament with his team, the Piranhas. My friend Jason's son played with the team as well. I had heard from Adams dad, and Jason some good things about the coaches. We went to a game, and that game they lost. Art went to listen to the coaches speak to the kids afterwards. He was pleasantly surprised, on the words, and the speech the coaches gave. He has asked Xander if he wanted to maybe go to a few practices and he said ok. He spoke with Holly, who was the "team-mom/team coordinator"  and set it up. I did not go to them. I was just told one day Xander was going to guest play in Utah with them. I was really excited. We never got to travel with the Pumas, so this was great! It was in Saint George. The "March Mayham" tournament.
Art and Xander went up early and I drove up after work, missing most of one of the games. I was told by Art and Jason that Xander was playing amazingly!
Game 2, he was catching, and just giving it his all! 

He got the game ball!!!

Shortly after this video, Xander made a play at home. He had the ball in his glove, the kid was sliding home, he grabbed Xanders glove, and pulled it back. Xander was in extreme pain but held onto that ball, for the out. He took off his glove, and his thumb was in colors it should not have been!!  We took a trip to the ER. (and side note, thank God we were in Utah, cause vegas hospital vs utah hospitals..Utah wins!) He was treated like a king in the ER.
And this is what he got. A broken thumb...... Oh I cried!! He wanted to stay the rest of the weekend (as did we) and support the piranhas. The next day we went swimming (well, not Xander) and had pizza. We hung out with some of the parents, and instantly formed bonds. The kids were just so great with Xander.

Xander was sad to not play, but he really loved cheering the team on.

One thing I loved about this team (there was many) was: these kids right here in the picture. Those boys never tore each other down. If one kid struck out, the boys built him up in the dugout. They supported each other. They showed the coaches respect. They were not mean, they worked hard, and never stopped trying (because "Good enough... never is!" as said by coach Alex and the boys at each talk). I also completely LOVED the parents. They were fun! I really hoped that Xander wanted to go back to club ball. Because after one weekend, I fell in love with this team. It was up to him, and the Piranhas, if they wanted him.
The team won 2nd place! 

The kids that made me fall in love.. 
from the top: Adam ,Collin, Jordan, Trevin, (then unknown kid), and Juan.
Bottom: Aiden, Xander, Mario, Katson
Coaches: Jesse (almost covered), and Alex. (also Alex's brother helped)

 Here is Adam and Xander!


After we got the trophies, we went to the side to have a team talk:
 and the video:

He was super excited to become apart of this team!

Came home and placed this guy on our car!!

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