Sunday, January 31, 2016

Applebee's Fundraisers

 Applebee's in Henderson, NV was so great to help our team with a couple fundraisers. One was this:
People came in with this^^,  some of the proceeds went to our team, for our Cooperstown trip.
We went to eat that night, we took Quest, we saw some great friends there. We ate with Coach Dave and Dalton.

The boys had fun, and had us laughing!

Our next one was great!! We had a breakfast event, where the kids served the customers!

We met with the manager first and got the run down.. and rules set in place!

 The bar was set up with the gift baskets we made to raffle off. 

just a few we did!^^
Karen, and I  helping out. She is Gabes mom.

 Waiting now for the doors to open!

 The boys did so great serving

 My friend and co-worker Sierra and her boyfriend came to eat!

The boys sang Happy Birthday to a few customers as well!

Thank you so much Applebees for allowing us to take over your restaurant!

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