Sunday, January 17, 2016

Silverado Little League Mets Majors 2015

We signed up for Xander's first year of majors. The shortest season in little league for him. He played about 2 games. 

He got to be on the same team with Quest, which was great because they had become the best of friends this school year! They played little league and All stars together the previous year.

We played against Robbie's team. (Robbie from the Pumas, and now Legends!)
Art wasnt able to coach this year due to work, but was home for the start of the season!

His season was cut short due to an injury, when he was guest playing for another club ball team (Piranhas!) Once his broken thumb healed, he chose to dedicate his time to the piranhas, he did not return to little league.

Up next: Start of the Piranhas

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