Monday, February 29, 2016


 The NYS Winter season is over. Our team was undefeated! Xander played with such a great group of boys! Some he knew from the first baseball NYS season, some he just met. 

We finished our last game with a HUGE win. Then headed to the park, for a pizza picnic party. The boys still full of energy, they played a game a football!

 Then time to hand our their metals.

 Our coaches:

These 3 have been the same coaches each year! They really do an amazing job! They have made this team, the top NYS team each winter!

the players:


Missing photo: the other Catcher (he left early this day). He wasnt at all the games, I think he came late into the season. He was great behind the plate! Xander enjoyed having someone else back there so he was able to play other positions sometimes!

Our Team:

 Last Cheer!

Thank you Gary! We really cant express our gratitude enough. You have been supporting Xander since the day you met him, in 2013. You have showing up to his little league games, his club ball games, and fundraiser events. Your coaching skills are amazing! You manage to take a group of boys who just met, and get them to play together like they have been playing together for ever. They come out, have fun and win (every game).
- Art & Amie Hernandez

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