Monday, March 7, 2016

Baseball Youth Future games 2016

Xander & Art flew out to Arizona for this amazing event! Baseball Youth puts on amazing tournaments, & showcases. They have magazines as well!

(most pictures are from the baseball youth's twitter, facebook, & Instagram pages!)
At the airport! Ready to head out! Xander did not go out with any team. These baseball youth events are not for teams to go. You go "alone" and are set up with teams out there.
^Day one ready!^


All the kids together, set up with their new teams.
Below the boys are dancing in their new groups. Xanders team is 3rd row from the left. Xander is the last in that row.

 His team! Ready for the games!

^This picture is from the magazine  (<--click the link)

Day 2 Warm ups

Picture of him catching

Xander also played in the outfield. A kid went up to bat, the bases were loaded.. The kids smacks the ball, straight out to Xander. He knew the ball was going to pass him, so he charged to the fence. The ball was about to go over, he slams into the fence, grabs the top to pull himself up and over, and with his other arm he catches the ball!!! He robbed the home run, he robbed a grand-slam! It was also the 3rd out!! the team went to the dugout, and a Baseball Youth official, came to the dugout, and snapped Xanders picture: 
Posted it on social media, posting about what he had just done! We are so proud of him!

A picture of his team. The boys played like they had been playing together forever. They got along so well. Xander had the best time with these boys! He cant wait to do something like this again!!

We kept looking to the website, and then they game awards:
(his graduating class here is wrong) He won most outstanding defensive player. Thats not in his age group, thats all around!
Then he ranked #2 for his graduating class!!
We couldnt be more proud of him, and all he has worked so hard for!
He had the time of his life!

You will also notice his home team says "702 Warriors" at the time he was on his way out there he had been on the Legends, however before he started to play he was no longer a Legend, but he did not know at that time. He is now a Warrior, so Art requested they remove the Legends. They worked fast, and got it done in a day!

(If any video's become available, I will update this blog post!)

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