Friday, March 11, 2016

702 Warriors March Mayham

After Xanders NYS season came to a close, Xander instantly wanted to get on a club ball team. He had gone to another teams practices a couple times with Art.  The coach for that team was great, and Xander already knew a few kids on the team (from NYS, and the Legends). 
Just before March Mayham we get a few requests for him to guest play. Also a call from his favorite coaches, Alex & Jesse. They had invited Xander to check out the 702 Warriors, they had been offered coaches positions with this team. So Xander wanted to guest play for this team during March Mayham.
After meeting some parents, and the team mom, I was just in awe in how friendly they were. All making an effort to meet us. The kids were so great with Xander. He really didnt know any of them very well, but they all made him feel very welcome. 
Xander quickly chose to join this team. Originally because of Coach Alex & Jesse. They are the best coaches, and he really wants to be where ever they are, and also because of the way the kids treated him. That made it even better for him.
After talking with the Managers of the team, seeing how they run things, we knew this would be the perfect fit for Xander, as well as for us. 
The other coaches are also great! They continue to impress us.  The kids really respect them, and listen to them. The coaches also have a lot of respect for Alex & Jesse abilities.
Knowing that some of the team is from the same Island my grandpa and his family are all from (and all still live there, but my grandpa.. :(  makes me feel close to my grandpa.. sounds weird, but it makes me happy)
Now on to the games:

Day one (Game 1) we played against the Aces

Xander played 2nd base this game

We lost to the Aces 12-3. Bad loss, but the Warriors also were playing AAA/Majors for the first time, and the Aces are Vegas's top Majors team (them and the DBacks). I actually expected more from the Aces. The score does not show how great the Warriors played. I was impressed.

 Between games we had a big break. The Warriors played a little game between SN white of whiffle ball. I love watching teams who usually battle eachother on the field play so well together off the field.

 Game 2 was against the Road Dawgs

He was catching this game. 

 He drove the pitcher nuts here, All he wanted to do was pick Xander off!

 It never worked

We beat the Road Dawgs 14-10!!

These boys played amazing. They wanted that win bad, and they fought hard for it!

Now we wait to see where we seeded, and who we play next!
Then Saturday night, we see we play the Piranhas!! The last time we had to play the piranhas, I knew we(the Legends) werent ready for it, and it would end up a loss.
This time I was excited! I was confidant in the Warriors, and their ability to win, (and I was also excited to see the piranhas as we will always those boys!)

The winner of this game went directly to the championship game.

and we won! 

 And next is the Championship game!!!
We had to face the Aces again.

 We lost 5-0, pretty good score compared to the last time we played this team! Aces thought it would be an easy game, but the warriors showed up ready to fight.

We took 2nd place in the Silver division. 

 It was a great weekend!

 Here are some pictures of all these amazing boys!

We are so happy to be a part of the 702 Warrior Family!

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