Saturday, March 12, 2016

Coach Jesse & Coach Alex


Xander is one of the lucky kids who has been coached by these 2. When Xander joined the Piranhas, he was coached by them. That team started with 4 boys, and practiced and that team grew, and become an award winning team. Who was ranted #1 on USSSA last year, The kids were coachable kids who wanted to learn, so that helped. Alex is very hands on, he gets on the field and gets dirty, showing the kids how to do something, not just telling them. He doesnt stop until they get it. Jesse is a great manager, knows the strengths and weakness of each boy, and can direct them on the field according to that. The way the coaches work together is also very amazing. Alex is louder, and more animated, Jesse is calm, and can be more serious. That mix makes it work, and almost everyone loves it!
The way they talked to the boys after a loss, was what got us to want to play for the piranhas. We didnt join the team when they were winning, we joined when they were still losing, but saw how great the coaches were (and the kids too of course).

Any kid serious about baseball, and wanting to learn, always respects and adores these coaches.They look up to them, and strive to make them proud.

Alex worked a lot during last summer with Xander at the cages. He picked Xander up and took him there, as I had to work. He did it because Xander wanted to get his hitting better. Xander chose to give up a lot of free time to learn. Alex did it because he will always coach kids who want to be coached. Xander was hitting home runs after that summer! He worked with Xander, when Xander was no longer on his team, we offered him money but wouldnt accept it. They both even showed up to an NYS game of Xander's, just to show support. That made Xanders day!

When Xander left the piranhas, losing these coaches was devastating for him(and us). During our time with the legends, when we played the piranhas, Xander went to Alex after that game for advice and direction, instead of his current coach. After he hit a home run at Big League Dreams (with the Legends) he couldn't wait to run to Alex's field to tell him.
Alex watched the Legends play part of a game, I saw the pride and joy on his face as he watched the boys he coached, out on the field loving baseball.

Now these coaches are with the 702 Warriors. When we got the call to come check the team out, of course Xander was very excited to be able to play with Alex and Jesse again.
The coaches on the Warriors are volunteers,  which proves how much they love what they do. The team mom said the day I met her "we do it for the pure love of the game". Alex & Jesse dont have kids on the team, they coach the boys because they love coaching.

Art works overseas right now.. He was home in time to get Xander on the warriors under Alex & Jesse. He left feeling good about it, saying he would not have to worry anymore about Xander development with this team. Art being away, he is not able to work with Xander like other dads do, or watch over him, watching the coaching. He feels at ease knowing Xander is getting the best coaching now.
Xander would want to follow these coaches anywhere. If they went to a highschool to coach, he would probably want to play for that school. One day they wont be his coaches. He will grow up, and whether he plays college, pro, or does something completely different with his life.. he will (and we will) always look back at this time of his life, when he was coached by Alex & Jesse, knowing that was the summer that changed Xanders hitting, those were the coaches who helped him develop in those years before highschool. So I know no matter how old Xander is, he will call them Coach Alex & Coach Jesse, he will always look up to them.
Thank you Coaches, for your love for the game, for your love for coaching. The pride you have in your boys, (current and previous). & Thank you for introducing us to the 702 Warriors. 
We are excited to be apart of this new team with you, and to see what happens next!

Art, Amie & Xander

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